Please know that this blog is very much a work in progress. I will be adding information to each blog post as I have time and as new information or photos are, please, come back often to see if anything new for your particular ancestor has been updated. I welcome your participation in fleshing out each post. There are some descendants about whom I have a great deal of information and some about whom I know very little.

I have served as the Secretary/Archivist for the Forsgren Family Association for many years and have acquired a lot of material. It is my desire to make it all available through this blog so that all may benefit. But I am only one person and there are thousands of Peter A descendants. Please contact me and help by notifying me of errors or clarifications or to submit information and photos you might have.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, all the descendants of Peter Adolph Forsgren have been very the task of uploading all the photos, data and documents for this branch of the Forsgren siblings will be a very time-consuming process.... so...

Thank you so much for your patience!! ENJOY!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013


  • The 8th and last child of Peter Adolph Forsgren and Anna Christene Knudsen was Rebecca Leonora Forsgren

Rebecca Leonora Forsgren was born 21 April 1872 in Brigham City, Box Elder Co., Utah.  She died of diphtheria just after 7th  birthday on 25 April 1879.  She is buried in the Brigham City Cemetery.


BIRTH :Brigham City, Utah LDS 1st Ward records

DEATH: Brigham City 1st Ward record list death date as 25th; Died of diptheria

BURIAL: Brigham City Cem B-18-22-3;  Sexton's records list dob as 4/29/1872 and dod as 4/26/1879.  
Headstone lists dob as 4/29/1872 and dod as 4/25/1879

The handwritten Sexton's Records (showing the different date of birth and death)

A word about the two photos of Rebecca.  The first one is in the possession of Andrea Lockwood who inherited it from her mother Erma Funk Walsh who likely got it from her mother, Lorinda Klem Funk.  I have no explanation why the photographer's imprint would say Copenhagen (Kobenhaven) unless somehow it was in the possession of Lorinda's husband Andrew George Funk during his mission to Scandinavia between 1909 and 1911. Perhaps he had a copy made while in Denmark.

 I suppose it is also possible that this is not really Rebecca....although the 2nd photo has her name written on it by another family member.  (The second, lighter photo, with arm in a different position is in the possession of Lester Lee Knight).  The fact that TWO separate Forsgren descendants would have this photo tells me it really IS Rebecca - taken about 4 years of age.  At first I thought the photos were identical until I saw the chair and arm positions are different in each one.   Anyone have any thoughts?

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