It has been 161 years today since Peter Adolph Forsgren joined the restored Church and was baptized at the hand of his brother John Erik Forsgren. I love this date. It is sandwiched in between Pioneer Day on the 24th and my birthday (the 27th) and there have been few years that the anniversary has slipped by me unnoticed! But this year, somehow, I have felt the presence of these forbears even more poignantly. You can't spend the time and detail work that a blog requires without reflecting on the achievements, personalities, tragedies and every day toil and love and labor of each of the people you write about. Often I am simply in awe of the vast number of people whose lives were affected by the decisions and actions of two brothers and a sister all those years ago. Forsgren descendants now number in the tens of thousands. Descendant (through his daughter Sarah) Jean Tyson expressed it beautifully in an email I received yesterday:
"Just checked Peter [Forsgren's] website. I haven't done so since the last time I talked with you, quite a while ago. Amazing! . . . As I enjoyed reading and absorbing all the latest information about Peter's posterity, my thoughts went back to a little boy named Peter who lived in Sweden so very long ago. Did he even begin to imagine what his life would be? When he and his bride stood under a bower of flowers as his brother John Erik performed the wedding ceremony, did either bride or groom realize that they were going
to prepare the way for so many special spirits to come to earth? Did they know how many would proudly bear the Forsgren name through generations? I suspect they were just looking forward to loving and cherishing each other, to raising a few kids, and to make a little home in a land of promise. What they must think now!!! Thanks, Forsgrens. . .!!"
I hope each of us who read this blog will spend similar moments of reflexion. Let your heart turn to your fathers and know that all the good things you are has a basis in part in your heritage. Recent scientific studies have concluded that nestled in our DNA make-up are cellular memories - pieces, if you will, of all the people who have gone before in a very literal sense the seeds of goodness and greatness are in us all. And, we hope, also the seeds of that drive and persistence that helps each of us realize our dreams, correct negative influences, and reach out to one another. Let us honor our pioneer ancestors by living up to the measure of OUR individual creation, whatever that might be!
Happy baptism day, Peter Adolph. May you rejoice this day in the fruits of YOUR decisions!
Please know that this blog is very much a work in progress. I will be adding information to each blog post as I have time and as new information or photos are, please, come back often to see if anything new for your particular ancestor has been updated. I welcome your participation in fleshing out each post. There are some descendants about whom I have a great deal of information and some about whom I know very little.
I have served as the Secretary/Archivist for the Forsgren Family Association for many years and have acquired a lot of material. It is my desire to make it all available through this blog so that all may benefit. But I am only one person and there are thousands of Peter A descendants. Please contact me and help by notifying me of errors or clarifications or to submit information and photos you might have.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, all the descendants of Peter Adolph Forsgren have been very the task of uploading all the photos, data and documents for this branch of the Forsgren siblings will be a very time-consuming process.... so...
Thank you so much for your patience!! ENJOY!!!
I have served as the Secretary/Archivist for the Forsgren Family Association for many years and have acquired a lot of material. It is my desire to make it all available through this blog so that all may benefit. But I am only one person and there are thousands of Peter A descendants. Please contact me and help by notifying me of errors or clarifications or to submit information and photos you might have.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, all the descendants of Peter Adolph Forsgren have been very the task of uploading all the photos, data and documents for this branch of the Forsgren siblings will be a very time-consuming process.... so...
Thank you so much for your patience!! ENJOY!!!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
CHILD #6 - Mary Magdalene Forsgren
Peter Adolph and Anna Christene's 6th child is Mary (or Marie) Magdalene Forsgren born 22 March 1866, Brigham City; Died 18 May 1882 at age 16.
From the time I first saw the headstone of this young woman I felt a sadness for her that she had died at such a tender age. During a visit to Lester Lee Knight I was thrilled to find that he had a photo of Mary or Marie (as she is alternately listed). The photo is actually a stereoscopic card - meaning that it is two images side by side, used to view thru a instrument which gave the illusion of a 3D image. The double photo is an image of Mary, deceased, laid out for viewing prior to her burial.
I have no information about what caused her death. I have seen no official death record for her. Neither the handwritten Sexton's records,nor the official Utah Burials website list the cause of death.
She is buried in the Peter Adolph and Adolph Peter Forsgren joined family plots B-18-22-2.
NOTE: Today (July 8, 2011) I discovered a strange notation about her. I went to the Church's website ( to check how they have her first name listed. To my surprise I find that she is listed with a husband: Frederik Peter Jensen! I thought, "how strange!" I have heard no family stories passed down that she had ever married before she died. Closer examination showed that Frederick Peter Jensen was born in 1847 and died 11 Dec. 1864....two years before Mary Magdalene was even born!!
My supposition is that this is a situation of a posthumous sealing. Frederick Peter Jensen was only 17 at the time of HIS death and it does appear that he is in the ancestral line of the Jensens that married into the Forsgren family. ( He is the son of Hans Peter Jensen (1815-1883) and Ane Maria Clawsen (1812-1848).
Hans Peter Jensen is the son of Jens Pedersen and Kirsten Hansdatter Thisted and brother of Gerhardt Jensen (who is the father of Gehardena Jensen that married Adolph Peter Forsgren). So, if this information is accurate the two families must have made the decision to have these two young people sealed to each other after their deaths. The sealing took place in the Logan Temple 11 March 1892. They were not endowed on the same day as each other.
There is also a possibility that someone has done some incorrect combining of records, but previously, exact Temple records were not available to us as they are now thru this new website. The sealing took place 11 Mar 1892 in the Logan Temple, so it was during the time period in the Church when this might have been the norm more than it is now. If anyone has any more information about this marriage/sealing please contact me.
There is also a possibility that someone has done some incorrect combining of records, but previously, exact Temple records were not available to us as they are now thru this new website. The sealing took place 11 Mar 1892 in the Logan Temple, so it was during the time period in the Church when this might have been the norm more than it is now. If anyone has any more information about this marriage/sealing please contact me.
CHILD #5 - Knud Elior (Eli) and descendants
Peter Adolph and Anna Christine's Fifth Child:
Knud Elior (known as Eli) and his wife Frances Mary Smith
Eli Forsgren was born 17 June 1863 in Brigham City; He died 19 July 1943 in Preston, Franklin Co., Idaho; He is buried in the Hillcrest Cemetery in Riverdale, Idaho. He married Frances Mary Smith on the 23 Apr 1885 in the Logan Temple. Frances Mary Smith was the daughter of Samuel Smith and Sarah Jane Ingraham. Samuel Smith figured quite prominently into Brigham City affairs. He had 5 wives, including Francis Ingraham and Mary Ann Line. All these people had interesting connections to the Forsgrens. Eli's wife Frances was born 9 Jan 1867 in Brigham City. She died on 28 Sept. 1936 in Preston, Franklin Co., Idaho. Eli and Frances were the parents of 9 children: Susannah, Anna Rozella, Eli Smith, John Clifford, Isaac Leon, Gladys, Naomi, Lloyd Smith, and William Smith:
This photo is a cropped version taken from the 1902 Peter Adolph Forsgren family portrait.
Knud Alior (Eli) Forsgren
17 June 1863 -19 July 1943 Knud (Knudsen) Alior Forsgren, commonly know as Eli, was born 17 June 1863 in Brigham City, Utah. He was the son of Peter Adolph and Anna Christina Knudsen Forsgren. He was baptized 3 May 1874. His father and mother were early pioneers of Brigham City, arriving in 1863. His father was the first Latter-day Saint convert to be baptized in Sweden, and at the Brigham City Centennial Celebration, was given a gold-headed cane because of this. His father had three wives. [This is not accurate. Peter Adolph was never married to Brita Cathrina Wallstrom, the mother of his first child, . Though they had a son together, whom Peter acknowledged in public records, she was furious with him for joining the LDS Church. She took their son Pehr and returned to live with her parents in Soderhamn, Sweden] Eli's mother, who was the second wife, had eight children: Sarah Christina, Julianne Olivia, Adolph Peter, Oscar, Eli, Marie Magdalene, James William, and Rebecca Lenora. Each of the other wives had one son. [The true other wife was Elise Thomasson who bore Peter one child: Elias Peter Forsgren].
Eli attended school about three years. He learned to sign his name and read a little, and was very good with figures.
His family, being one of the early pioneers, naturally endured many hardships. Eli and some of the other children would take their cows, along with their neighbors' cows, out on the salt flats to herd. While they were there, sometimes the Indians would ride up on their horses and the kids would make mud balls on the ends of willows and throw them at the Indians.
Eli can remember when his father helped build the old Court House at Brigham City. The wages were two pounds of beans and one pound of flour a day. Food was so scarce, especially meat, that when an animal died, the one who discovered it first would take the choice cuts of the meat. Sometimes they had to boil the cowhides to make soup.
They made many of the implements they used for farming, some of which were plows made out of old iron. This would rake and scrape the ground. They made their rakes of blocks, which they split and fit teeth of metal into.
They raised many pigs to sell. These were hauled to Salt Lake City by ox teams, and flour and a little furniture were brought back.
They raised silk worms. Eli had to get up before the sun was up every morning and pick the mulberry leaves for the worms. They gathered the cocoons and wove the silk into cloth. Eli's mother won the first prize on one piece of silk and was invited to take it to the World's Fair at Chicago. She was a large woman, so her husband thought it would be better for the other wife to take it.
They exchanged work with their neighbors in order to get their own done. The Scandinavian Colony in Brigham City was hi dire circumstances and was about to starve, so the Church sent Lorenzo Snow up there to save it. It was located on marsh land. He moved them up onto higher, more fertile land, and established the United Order among them.
In the summer time they never wore shoes, and it wasn't long until their feet would get so tough that they could run over the rocks and not even realize they didn't have shoes on. One time the crickets were so thick that, when the children would walk along the sidewalk, the crickets would squeeze up through, or between their toes.
When they went to a dance, they took farm produce to pay for their admission.
Their dance hall here in Brigham was in the upper part of the Co-op Store, just across the street from Grandfather's home. Sometimes they danced in the carpenter shop. Other amusements they enjoyed were shows given mostly by home troupes, but once in a while a troupe would come from Salt Lake City. In the winter the young folks would go sleigh riding and when the ice on the old pond was good, they would go skating. The young men were seldom allowed to take their girls for a buggy ride. In the spring they played ball. To all these pleasures, Eli Forsgren's favorite date was Frances Mary Smith. In the spring he asked a very delicate, but sweet, young lady to be his companion for life.
Frances had never been very healthy. She weighed 118 pounds. The Doctor advised her not to marry, and that she never would be able to have a family, but she insisted on getting married. Her father was much concerned and tried to persuade her not to marry, but her mind was made up. Grandfather went to Eli and told him of her condition, but he only said he would take a chance on it. So regardless of what they had been told, they were married 23 April 1885.
She had two brothers living in Riverdale, Idaho, John and Hyrum Smith. John died, leaving a large farm, so Eli and Fances decided to buy part of it and go to Riverdale. They packed all that belonged to them in a lumber wagon and let a cow behind. They said, "so long" but not "Goodbye" to Brigham City and friends. This was their honeymoon.
The distance from Brigham City to Riverdale, in those days, seemed as if they were going to the end of the earth. They got as far as Smithfield, Utah, the first day and stayed with Frances' brother, Abraham. It rained on them all the way, but rain or no rain, one they went, these two lovers and the covered wagon.
There had been no bridges build across the canal, and when they reached Whitney, Idaho, they tried to cross one canal and got stuck. When they did not arrive in Riverdale at the specified time, Hyrum became worried and left Riverdale and started out to find them. As Hyrum neared where they were, they recognized his team, and knew their troubles were over for a little while.
At last they reached Riverdale, and since there was no house on their property, they lived in Jacob's house for the first two years, until Eli could get out logs and build them a new one, which consisted of one room, a kitchen and an attic. This house was about 22 x 15 feet. Their furniture consisted of two beds, a bureau, and a large wooden box, in which they kept their clothing. In the kitchen, there was a table, cupboard and cook stove. Benches were used to sit on. The ticks on the beds were filled with straw.
Four of their nine children were born in this house. The attic was used for the children's sleeping quarters.
Thus they began their pioneer home in what was then called," The Falls". It is now a part of Riverdale. At that time there were only nine families living at the Falls. They immediately became members of the small community and began to help build it up, making roads, bridges, and buildings. Hyrum Smith was Presiding Elder. They held church in the school house east of Hyrum Smith's, and when they went to church, they rode a horse. There were no bridges across the river, so they had to ford it.
Coming from a fruit and vegetable community, they naturally planted accordingly. Eli's father, Peter A. Forsgren, came up to see them and spent one summer. He planted the first orchard in Riverdale, and also some strawberries and raspberries.
The following spring Frances went on a vacation to Logan to visit her sister, Sarah Evans. Here her first baby was born, which they named Susannah. She returned home when the baby was three weeks old. Eli went after her with the same team and wagon that had brought them to their pioneer home.
The following spring Frances went on a vacation to Logan to visit her sister, Sarah Evans. Here her first baby was born, which they named Susannah. She returned home when the baby was three weeks old. Eli went after her with the same team and wagon that had brought them to their pioneer home.
Eli did a lot of logging south of Copenhagen Basin. Logs were brought to the top of the hill and sent down a chute to the head of Mink Creek. He was one of the best axe men of his time. He cut ties for the Railroad when the Oregon Shortline was being built. Samuel Smith had the contract. They had to go in on foot and carry their supplies on their backs. In the spring the logs were floated down the Mink Creek One winter the snow was sixteen feet deep. To make camp, they piled logs up and burned them until the snow was melted sufficiently to set four corner posts and fix some shelter. They made their beds on the ground and built them a fire in the center of the camp. They cut steps in the snow to climb in and out.
These early pioneers cut mountain grass for hay, out of what was called Little Basin, to furnish winter feed for their animals.
They had to travel to Franklin to do their shopping, because there were no stores in Preston at that time. The road went through Glendale and followed the mountains down to Franklin.
The Riverdale people had made a ditch at the head of The Falls to bring the much needed water in to the thirsty ground, but just as they had the ditch completed, the river changed its course, leaving the ditch high and dry. Later they surveyed and were ready to take water out of Mink Creek, but the Preston people wanted to join them and build a larger ditch. They called this ditch "Mink Creek, Riverdale, and Preston Irrigation Company".
It was about this tune that Eli and Frances had another baby. This time is was another little girl. She was born on the 4 August 1888. They named her Anna Rozella. Yes they were very blessed.
The Mink Creek, Riverdale, Preston Irrigation ditch was fifteen years in the making. It was during these years that hard times were surely there. The crops would not grow without water. Eli was compelled to work away from home most of the time, shearing sheep, hauling hay, harvesting and threshing. He helped build West Cache Canal and did various other jobs in the spring, and then went to Lewiston, Utah in the fall, taking wheat for pay, a bushel and half for a day's work from daylight to dark. Frances was left at home to take care of the farm and milk the cows. She had to go over the hills to get the cows, many times dragging
two little kiddies with her. One day when she went after the cow, she found that the cow had been struck by lightning and killed. What a blow this was with small children to feed and very little to do it with, except milk. This was the cow they had brought from Brigham City with them. Frances churned butter and sold it in Franklin, getting 8 to 10 cents a pound for it. Eli said that even at that, they always had a year's supply of food on hand in advance.
Thus time went on. Each year they would hope the next would be better. During these years, Eli, Cliff, Leon and Gladys were born. So in the year of 1898 they had 6 children. The family had increased in size, but the house and furniture didn't, so the children had to stand up to eat, and they made a bedroom out of the attic by laying boards along the ceiling joists and sleeping on them. They climbed up a ladder placed on the cellar wall on the outside of the house, and crawled in through a hole cut in the gable end of the house. In the
winter the ladder was put up inside. The children had lots of fun stepping on each other's fingers as they climbed down and kicking each other as they climbed up.
In the winter of 1900 they moved into the new home which consisted of four rooms, two upstairs and two down. This made a little more room for this growing family. How happy they were for this new house. Now the irrigation water was here, and things were much better for their family. All kinds of crops and fruits were grown with much success.
Up until this time, they had been traveling in a wagon, but now they had a hard top black surrey with fringe on top. (They traded their home for this.) They were anxiously awaiting the coming of spring for Sue was to come home then from Ogden, where she had been attending school. One day in the early part of December they got a telegram saying that Sue wasn't feeling well. The next day they got another one, saying that if they wanted to see her alive to come immediately. This was about noon. Dave Evans had to drive a team down to the West Cache Canal, where Eli was working, and get him. Eli had to go to Dayton to catch the train and it was 3:00 A.M. when he arrived in Ogden. Sue had been dead twenty minutes. Frances had to stay at home, but Dave Evans went to Preston early the next morning to get a telegram they were expecting. Aunt Lizzie Smith and Aunt Sarah Evans stayed with Francis. When Dave arrived home, instead of going to the house, he went first to the barn, so they were all expecting bad news. Frances never saw Sue again, because she died of Black Diphtheria and they were not allowed to open the casket.
These early pioneers cut mountain grass for hay, out of what was called Little Basin, to furnish winter feed for their animals.
They had to travel to Franklin to do their shopping, because there were no stores in Preston at that time. The road went through Glendale and followed the mountains down to Franklin.
The Riverdale people had made a ditch at the head of The Falls to bring the much needed water in to the thirsty ground, but just as they had the ditch completed, the river changed its course, leaving the ditch high and dry. Later they surveyed and were ready to take water out of Mink Creek, but the Preston people wanted to join them and build a larger ditch. They called this ditch "Mink Creek, Riverdale, and Preston Irrigation Company".
It was about this tune that Eli and Frances had another baby. This time is was another little girl. She was born on the 4 August 1888. They named her Anna Rozella. Yes they were very blessed.
The Mink Creek, Riverdale, Preston Irrigation ditch was fifteen years in the making. It was during these years that hard times were surely there. The crops would not grow without water. Eli was compelled to work away from home most of the time, shearing sheep, hauling hay, harvesting and threshing. He helped build West Cache Canal and did various other jobs in the spring, and then went to Lewiston, Utah in the fall, taking wheat for pay, a bushel and half for a day's work from daylight to dark. Frances was left at home to take care of the farm and milk the cows. She had to go over the hills to get the cows, many times dragging
two little kiddies with her. One day when she went after the cow, she found that the cow had been struck by lightning and killed. What a blow this was with small children to feed and very little to do it with, except milk. This was the cow they had brought from Brigham City with them. Frances churned butter and sold it in Franklin, getting 8 to 10 cents a pound for it. Eli said that even at that, they always had a year's supply of food on hand in advance.
Thus time went on. Each year they would hope the next would be better. During these years, Eli, Cliff, Leon and Gladys were born. So in the year of 1898 they had 6 children. The family had increased in size, but the house and furniture didn't, so the children had to stand up to eat, and they made a bedroom out of the attic by laying boards along the ceiling joists and sleeping on them. They climbed up a ladder placed on the cellar wall on the outside of the house, and crawled in through a hole cut in the gable end of the house. In the
winter the ladder was put up inside. The children had lots of fun stepping on each other's fingers as they climbed down and kicking each other as they climbed up.
In the winter of 1900 they moved into the new home which consisted of four rooms, two upstairs and two down. This made a little more room for this growing family. How happy they were for this new house. Now the irrigation water was here, and things were much better for their family. All kinds of crops and fruits were grown with much success.
Up until this time, they had been traveling in a wagon, but now they had a hard top black surrey with fringe on top. (They traded their home for this.) They were anxiously awaiting the coming of spring for Sue was to come home then from Ogden, where she had been attending school. One day in the early part of December they got a telegram saying that Sue wasn't feeling well. The next day they got another one, saying that if they wanted to see her alive to come immediately. This was about noon. Dave Evans had to drive a team down to the West Cache Canal, where Eli was working, and get him. Eli had to go to Dayton to catch the train and it was 3:00 A.M. when he arrived in Ogden. Sue had been dead twenty minutes. Frances had to stay at home, but Dave Evans went to Preston early the next morning to get a telegram they were expecting. Aunt Lizzie Smith and Aunt Sarah Evans stayed with Francis. When Dave arrived home, instead of going to the house, he went first to the barn, so they were all expecting bad news. Frances never saw Sue again, because she died of Black Diphtheria and they were not allowed to open the casket.
Sue was just 14 years old. She died the 13 December 1900. They were all broken hearted at this loss of their daughter and sister. This made a great change in Frances. It was a long tune before she smiled again, but when she did, it seemed as if the sun had started to shine again.
On the 27 of February 1901, another daughter joined their family. It was a girl and they named her Naomi. This was their 4th daugher. She joined 3 sisters and 3 brothers.
Eli next built a big barn and was considered one of the wealthiest farmers in the community. During these next years two more sons joined this family, Lloyd and William.
Their oldest son, Eli S., was called on a mission to the Netherlands Mission, and was assigned to France. He was twenty years old at the time, and was gone three years.
Eli planted 2000 apple trees and took care of them three years. They had a winter with a lot of snow, and the rabbits peeled the bark from the trees and killed them all. Tired of living alone and still broken-hearted, he passed away the 19 July 1943, and joined his companion in the Great Beyond.
The second son, Clifford was called on a mission to Australia. While he was there, war was declared on Germany, so he was requested by the Church to stay four years. During this time, Leon was drafted into the army.
In the Riverdale Ward, Eli was dance manager for years and was most successful in this work. He also acted as trustee for many years, and was teacher in the Elders Quorum. They lived in Riverdale until 1929.
They had known the hardships and privations of pioneer life, and now that Lloyd was married and wanted to farm, he purchased the old home. The parents bought them a little home in Preston, which they enjoyed very much.
On April 23, 1935, the children planned a big celebration for their Golden Wedding Anniversary. The wedding celebration was held in the new Riverdale Church House, to which Eli was one of the highest donors. All of their relatives and a few very close friends were invited. A full-course dinner was served to 96 people. A miniature photograph and a piece of wedding cake was presented to everyone as favors. An enjoyable program was presented, with each family being responsible for one part on the program.
This happiness was not to last long, because in the following September Frances took sick and in one week passed on. She died the 28 September 1935. This left Eli broken hearted and lonesome. For the next seven years he lived alone, except for times when some of the grandchildren would stay with him. The winter that he was 72 years old, he skated on the ice on Bill's (William) pond after the Family Dinner on New Year's Day.
Their children were all born in Riverdale except Susannah. They are:
Susannah 11 April 1886; Died 13 Dec 1900
Anna Rozella 4 Aug 1888 md 12 June 1907 to Jed Palmer 8 Dec 1967
Eli Smith 25 Sep 1890 md 31 May 1917 Leona Farnsworth 18 Dec 1980
John Clifford 18 Oct 1893 md 5 Oct 1921 Oneta Fuhriman 1 Aug 1972
Isaac Leon 13 June 1896 md 10 Nov 1921 Adria Keller 23 June 1978
Gladys 18 Sep 1898 md 14 May 1924 Hyrum Johnson 14 Feb l964
Naomi 27 Feb l901 md 6 Aug 1924 Hazen Gilbert 14 Oct 1994
Lloyd Smith 16 Mar 1903 md 24 Nov l925 Bernice Starcher 27 Feb l980
William Smith 17 June 1907 md 29 Aug 1930 Phyllis Parkinson 2 Feb l986
OBITUARY: Ogden Standard Examiner, July 20, 1943 (
Eli Forsgren
Preston, Idaho - Eli Forsgren, 80, died at his home Monday at nine a.m. as a result of a paralytic stroke suffered while visiting at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Anna F. Palmer.
Mr. Forsgren was born in Brigham City, Utah, June 17, 1863, son of Peter Adolph and Anna Christina Knudson Forsgren.
He married Frances Mary Smith in 1885 in the Logan LDS temple. The couple moved to a farm in Riverdale, Franklin county, and resided there until 1929, when they moved to Preston.
At Riverdale he was active in civic affairs and served as an LDS ward teacher for many years. His wife died eight years ago.
Survivors include eight of his nine sons and daughters: Mrs. Anna F. Palmer and J. Clifford Forsgren of Preston; Eli S. Forsgren, I. Leon Forsgren, Lloyd S. Forsgren and William S. Forsgren of Riverdale, and Mrs. Gladys Johns and Mrs. Naomi Gilbert of Fairview; 38 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren, one sister and two brothers, Mrs. Sarah Christenson of Salt Lake City, and Oscar and Eliason Forsgren of Brigham City.
DEATH:Family records of Elias Forsgren
Name also spelled Elleor, Elior & Eli; Birthdate also listed as 17 June 1863
Francis Mary Smith Forsgren 9 Jan 1867-28 Sep 1935
Francis Smith was born the 9 January 1867 at Brigham City, Utah. She was the seventh child of Samuel Smith and Sarah Jane Ingraham. Her Father had five wives, all living in Brigham City. All of these wives had good homes, and the wives and children were well supported. Her father had fifty-two children.
Francis Mary lived just across the corner from the court house on main street She lived there until she was five years old when her mother died from an abscessed lung, caused by swallowing a pin. She was kept in bed for one year. She left eight children that had to be taken care of by a hired girl. Her Father's first wife took Francis and her older sister Susannah to live with her. Aunt Mary, as Mother called her was then sixty-four years old and was very good to them. Francis always mixed bread for Aunt Mary because her hands were so crippled with rheumatism that she was unable to do it herself.
People wondered how so many wives and children got along so well. Grandfather always insisted that all five wives and their children attend church and eat Sunday dinner together. They always ate at Aunt Mary's. However, things were not always as pleasant as they appeared. When Grandfather married his fifth wife, Aunt Caroline, or Aunt Cary as she was called, some jealousy arose because she was much younger and the other wives thought she received more than her share of the attention. When the question of housing her arose, it was decided to build her a home on the same lot where Aunt Mary lived. There were a lot of fruit trees on this property and a dispute arose between the two women as to the distribution of the trees. There was one peach tree they both wanted. Grandfather decided to put a fence between the two houses and each woman would have to be satisfied with the fruit on her side of the fence. When the fence was finished the peach tree was on Aunt Gary's lot. Aunt Mary didn't say a word but in the night after all were in bed and asleep, Aunt Mary went out and chopped the tree down.
Francis went to school in the city at Brigham until she was 14 years old then she went to Logan to stay with her brother, Isaac Smith and attend the B.Y.U. When she returned to Brigham she worked in the shop with her father and sister. She learned how to cut and fit shoes. She worked there for two years. During this time she met a young man by the name of Eli Forsgren. Francis was never permitted to keep late hours. She always had to be in by 10:00 or both her father and Aunt Mary would be after her.
Their dance hall was in the upper part of the Co-op Store just across the street from the Samuel Smith home. . . .[Note: From here to the end of her sketch, the story seems to have been copied exactly from the biographical sketch of her husband Eli (above) I am not going to repeat it here]
CHILD #1 of Eli & Francis Smith:
Susannah, born 11 April 1886 in Logan, Cache Co., Utah. Died 13 Dec 1900 and is buried in the Hillcrest Cemetery in Riverdale, Idaho.
DEATH: Eastern Idaho Death Records
Last Name: Forsgren
First Name: Susannah Age:
Gender: U
Cemetery: Riverdale, Idaho
Birth Date: 11 APR 1886 Birth Place: Logan,UT
Date Died: 13 DEC 1900 Death Place:
Father: Eli Forsgren
Mother: Francis Mary Smith
Sources: Film 7594 #10, Film 896,540 Headstone
CHILD #2 of Eli and Francis Forsgren
ANNA ROZELLA FORSGREN, born 4 Aug 1888 in Riverdale, Franklin Co., Idaho. Married Jedediah Morgan Palmer on 12 June 1907 in the Logan Temple, Cache Co., Utah. She died 8 Dec 1967 in Preston, Idaho and was buried 11 Dec 1967 in Preston.
Jedediah was born 23 Dec. 1885 in Croyden, Morgan Co., Utah. He died 24 Dec. 1963 in Salt Lake City, Utah and was buried in Preston, Idaho on 27 Dec. 1963.
I will continue with the descendants. Please check back again.
CHILD #3 of Eli and Francis Forsgren
CHILD #4 of Eli and Francis Forsgren
JOHN CLIFFORD FORSGREN (known in life as Clifford). Born 18 Oct.1893, in Riverton, Franklin Co., Idaho. He married 1) Mary Oneta Fuhriman on Oct 5, 1921 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. After Mary's death he married 2) Lucy Nielsen or Nilsson Meyer on 29 Dec. 1964. Clifford passed away on 1 Aug 1972 in Preston, Franklin Co., Idaho and is buried in the Hillcrest Cemetery, Riverton, Idaho.
Mary Oneta Fuhriman was born on 20 May 1897 in Providence, Cache Co., Utah to Joseph H. and Mary Ann Johnson Fuhriman. She died on 16 Oct. 1963 in Salt Lake City, Utah and was buried on 19 October 1963 in the Hillcrest Cemetery, Riverdale, ID.
FGS submitted to Fors Fam Assn by J. Clifford Forsgren
Their oldest son, Eli S., was called on a mission to the Netherlands Mission, and was assigned to France. He was twenty years old at the time, and was gone three years.
Eli planted 2000 apple trees and took care of them three years. They had a winter with a lot of snow, and the rabbits peeled the bark from the trees and killed them all. Tired of living alone and still broken-hearted, he passed away the 19 July 1943, and joined his companion in the Great Beyond.
The second son, Clifford was called on a mission to Australia. While he was there, war was declared on Germany, so he was requested by the Church to stay four years. During this time, Leon was drafted into the army.
In the Riverdale Ward, Eli was dance manager for years and was most successful in this work. He also acted as trustee for many years, and was teacher in the Elders Quorum. They lived in Riverdale until 1929.
They had known the hardships and privations of pioneer life, and now that Lloyd was married and wanted to farm, he purchased the old home. The parents bought them a little home in Preston, which they enjoyed very much.
On April 23, 1935, the children planned a big celebration for their Golden Wedding Anniversary. The wedding celebration was held in the new Riverdale Church House, to which Eli was one of the highest donors. All of their relatives and a few very close friends were invited. A full-course dinner was served to 96 people. A miniature photograph and a piece of wedding cake was presented to everyone as favors. An enjoyable program was presented, with each family being responsible for one part on the program.
This happiness was not to last long, because in the following September Frances took sick and in one week passed on. She died the 28 September 1935. This left Eli broken hearted and lonesome. For the next seven years he lived alone, except for times when some of the grandchildren would stay with him. The winter that he was 72 years old, he skated on the ice on Bill's (William) pond after the Family Dinner on New Year's Day.
Their children were all born in Riverdale except Susannah. They are:
Susannah 11 April 1886; Died 13 Dec 1900
Anna Rozella 4 Aug 1888 md 12 June 1907 to Jed Palmer 8 Dec 1967
Eli Smith 25 Sep 1890 md 31 May 1917 Leona Farnsworth 18 Dec 1980
John Clifford 18 Oct 1893 md 5 Oct 1921 Oneta Fuhriman 1 Aug 1972
Isaac Leon 13 June 1896 md 10 Nov 1921 Adria Keller 23 June 1978
Gladys 18 Sep 1898 md 14 May 1924 Hyrum Johnson 14 Feb l964
Naomi 27 Feb l901 md 6 Aug 1924 Hazen Gilbert 14 Oct 1994
Lloyd Smith 16 Mar 1903 md 24 Nov l925 Bernice Starcher 27 Feb l980
William Smith 17 June 1907 md 29 Aug 1930 Phyllis Parkinson 2 Feb l986
OBITUARY: Ogden Standard Examiner, July 20, 1943 (
Eli Forsgren
Preston, Idaho - Eli Forsgren, 80, died at his home Monday at nine a.m. as a result of a paralytic stroke suffered while visiting at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Anna F. Palmer.
Mr. Forsgren was born in Brigham City, Utah, June 17, 1863, son of Peter Adolph and Anna Christina Knudson Forsgren.
He married Frances Mary Smith in 1885 in the Logan LDS temple. The couple moved to a farm in Riverdale, Franklin county, and resided there until 1929, when they moved to Preston.
At Riverdale he was active in civic affairs and served as an LDS ward teacher for many years. His wife died eight years ago.
Survivors include eight of his nine sons and daughters: Mrs. Anna F. Palmer and J. Clifford Forsgren of Preston; Eli S. Forsgren, I. Leon Forsgren, Lloyd S. Forsgren and William S. Forsgren of Riverdale, and Mrs. Gladys Johns and Mrs. Naomi Gilbert of Fairview; 38 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren, one sister and two brothers, Mrs. Sarah Christenson of Salt Lake City, and Oscar and Eliason Forsgren of Brigham City.
DEATH:Family records of Elias Forsgren
Name also spelled Elleor, Elior & Eli; Birthdate also listed as 17 June 1863
Francis Mary Smith Forsgren 9 Jan 1867-28 Sep 1935
Francis Smith was born the 9 January 1867 at Brigham City, Utah. She was the seventh child of Samuel Smith and Sarah Jane Ingraham. Her Father had five wives, all living in Brigham City. All of these wives had good homes, and the wives and children were well supported. Her father had fifty-two children.
Francis Mary lived just across the corner from the court house on main street She lived there until she was five years old when her mother died from an abscessed lung, caused by swallowing a pin. She was kept in bed for one year. She left eight children that had to be taken care of by a hired girl. Her Father's first wife took Francis and her older sister Susannah to live with her. Aunt Mary, as Mother called her was then sixty-four years old and was very good to them. Francis always mixed bread for Aunt Mary because her hands were so crippled with rheumatism that she was unable to do it herself.
People wondered how so many wives and children got along so well. Grandfather always insisted that all five wives and their children attend church and eat Sunday dinner together. They always ate at Aunt Mary's. However, things were not always as pleasant as they appeared. When Grandfather married his fifth wife, Aunt Caroline, or Aunt Cary as she was called, some jealousy arose because she was much younger and the other wives thought she received more than her share of the attention. When the question of housing her arose, it was decided to build her a home on the same lot where Aunt Mary lived. There were a lot of fruit trees on this property and a dispute arose between the two women as to the distribution of the trees. There was one peach tree they both wanted. Grandfather decided to put a fence between the two houses and each woman would have to be satisfied with the fruit on her side of the fence. When the fence was finished the peach tree was on Aunt Gary's lot. Aunt Mary didn't say a word but in the night after all were in bed and asleep, Aunt Mary went out and chopped the tree down.
Francis went to school in the city at Brigham until she was 14 years old then she went to Logan to stay with her brother, Isaac Smith and attend the B.Y.U. When she returned to Brigham she worked in the shop with her father and sister. She learned how to cut and fit shoes. She worked there for two years. During this time she met a young man by the name of Eli Forsgren. Francis was never permitted to keep late hours. She always had to be in by 10:00 or both her father and Aunt Mary would be after her.
Their dance hall was in the upper part of the Co-op Store just across the street from the Samuel Smith home. . . .[Note: From here to the end of her sketch, the story seems to have been copied exactly from the biographical sketch of her husband Eli (above) I am not going to repeat it here]
Samuel Smith, father to Francis Mary Smith thru his wife Sarah Jane Ingraham
This is the Smith obelisk stone in the Brigham City Cemetery. Francis Mary's mother, Sarah Jane Ingraham, is listed last on the top half of the monument.
Eli and Frances are buried in the Riverdale Hillcrest Cemetery, Franklin Co., Idaho
Children of Eli & Frances Mary Smith Forsgren (minus Susannah who did not grow to adulthood)
Children of Eli & Frances Mary Smith Forsgren (minus Susannah who did not grow to adulthood)
Back: Isaac Leon, J.Clfford. William Smith, Eli Smith, Lloyd Smith
Front: Gladys, Anna Rozella, Naomi
With spouses
Back row (spouses together L to R: )Isaac Leon & Adria, Lloyd Smith & Berenice, William Smith & Phillis Middle & Front row: Forsgren children with spouses behind them in the middle row (from left to right:) J.Clifford and Mary, Gladys & Lars, Anna Rozella & Jed, Naomi & Hazen, Eli Smith & Leona
CHILD #1 of Eli & Francis Smith:
Susannah, born 11 April 1886 in Logan, Cache Co., Utah. Died 13 Dec 1900 and is buried in the Hillcrest Cemetery in Riverdale, Idaho.
Susannah was only 14 at the time of her death. I have no information about the cause. This photo must have been taken near the time she died. [If, indeed, this second photo is of the same Susannah. Can any family member give us more information about her?]
DEATH: Eastern Idaho Death Records
Last Name: Forsgren
First Name: Susannah Age:
Gender: U
Cemetery: Riverdale, Idaho
Birth Date: 11 APR 1886 Birth Place: Logan,UT
Date Died: 13 DEC 1900 Death Place:
Father: Eli Forsgren
Mother: Francis Mary Smith
Sources: Film 7594 #10, Film 896,540 Headstone
CHILD #2 of Eli and Francis Forsgren
ANNA ROZELLA FORSGREN, born 4 Aug 1888 in Riverdale, Franklin Co., Idaho. Married Jedediah Morgan Palmer on 12 June 1907 in the Logan Temple, Cache Co., Utah. She died 8 Dec 1967 in Preston, Idaho and was buried 11 Dec 1967 in Preston.
Jedediah was born 23 Dec. 1885 in Croyden, Morgan Co., Utah. He died 24 Dec. 1963 in Salt Lake City, Utah and was buried in Preston, Idaho on 27 Dec. 1963.
I will continue with the descendants. Please check back again.
CHILD #3 of Eli and Francis Forsgren
CHILD #4 of Eli and Francis Forsgren
JOHN CLIFFORD FORSGREN (known in life as Clifford). Born 18 Oct.1893, in Riverton, Franklin Co., Idaho. He married 1) Mary Oneta Fuhriman on Oct 5, 1921 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. After Mary's death he married 2) Lucy Nielsen or Nilsson Meyer on 29 Dec. 1964. Clifford passed away on 1 Aug 1972 in Preston, Franklin Co., Idaho and is buried in the Hillcrest Cemetery, Riverton, Idaho.
Mary Oneta Fuhriman was born on 20 May 1897 in Providence, Cache Co., Utah to Joseph H. and Mary Ann Johnson Fuhriman. She died on 16 Oct. 1963 in Salt Lake City, Utah and was buried on 19 October 1963 in the Hillcrest Cemetery, Riverdale, ID.
FGS submitted to Fors Fam Assn by J. Clifford Forsgren
Graduation from Utah State
Senator J. Clifford Forsgren
Ordained deacon 19 Dec 1907 in Riverdale Ward, Oneida Stake [listed as Clifford J. Forsgren} SL Film #774,320
EDUCATION: Graduated from Utah State University May 1924, Bachelor of Science Degree, Agriculture Dept. (See Ogden Standard Examiner, Thursday Evening, May 22, 1924
U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925
Name: John Clifford Forsgren; father Eli Forsgren is a citizen of the U.S.
Birth Date: 18 Oct 1893
Birth Place: Riverdale, Now Franklin County, Idaho
Residence: Farming, Idaho
Passport Issue Date: 1 Oct 1915
Occupation: farming
Purpose: Church Missionary work in Australia
Passport Includes a Photo: Y
Source: Passport Applications, January 2, 1906 - March 31, 1925 (M1490)
EDUCATION: Graduated from Utah State University May 1924, Bachelor of Science Degree, Agriculture Dept. (See Ogden Standard Examiner, Thursday Evening, May 22, 1924
U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925
Name: John Clifford Forsgren; father Eli Forsgren is a citizen of the U.S.
Birth Date: 18 Oct 1893
Birth Place: Riverdale, Now Franklin County, Idaho
Residence: Farming, Idaho
Passport Issue Date: 1 Oct 1915
Occupation: farming
Purpose: Church Missionary work in Australia
Passport Includes a Photo: Y
Source: Passport Applications, January 2, 1906 - March 31, 1925 (M1490)
MILITARY: World War II Draft Registration Cards (
John Clifford Forsgren, Serial Number U382
Residence: 50 E. 1st Nor, Preston, Franklin, Idaho
Telephone: 155M, Age 48, Born Preston
Date of Birth: Oct. 18, 1893, Idaho
Name of Person who will always know your address: Mrs. Oneta Forsgren, Preston, Idaho.
Employer's name: School District #1, Preston, Franklin, Idaho
Signed: J Clifford Forsgren
MISCELLANEOUS: Idaho State Journal, 29 Dec 1963
J. Clifford Forsgren, Franklin County state senator, and Mrs. Naomi Gilbert, his sister, both of Preston, were injured near here Saturday when his car skidded and struck a parked pickup truck.
Forsgren, 70, suffered a broken arm and broken rib and Mrs. Gilbert, 62, suffered a broken arm and broken kneecap. They were taken by ambulance to St. Anthony hospital from the scene of the accident four miles west of Pocatello.
Also injured was Grady Joe Johnson, 27, of the Colonial Motel, Chubbock. He was acting as a flagman for the Hood Construction Co., which is laying a pipeline across U.S. Highway 30 at that point.
Johnson was standing near the pickup truck, which Forsgren's car struck from the rear as it skidded on the icy road. Johnson was taken by a fellow worker to Bannock Memorial Hospital for observation.
State Patrolman Oscar Miller, who investigated, said no citations were issued. The accident occurred about 9 a.m. as Forsgren was traveling westward.
OBITUARY: Idaho State Journal (Pocatello, Idaho), Sec. A., page Wed., 2 2 August 1972 (
Preston - John Clifford Forsgren, 78, died at his home in Preston Tuesday after a short illness.
He was born Oct. 18, 1893 at Riverdale, the son of Eli and Mary Francis Smith Forsgren. He married Mary Oneta Fuhriman Oct. 5, 1921 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. She died in 1963. He married Lucy Meyer in December of 1964 in Logan.
Mr. Forsgren graduated from the Utah State Agricultural College in 1924, and taught school in Preston until his retirement in 1950. He was Franklin County superintendent for six years, served two terms as mayor of Preston, from 1939 to 1943, and two terms as state senator from 1962 to 1966.
He was chairman of the Franklin District, Boy Scouts of America, had served an LDS mission to Australia from 1915 to 1919, served as bishop of the Preston Fourth Ward, counselor in the Oneida Stake Presidency for eight years, and served on the High Council. Mr. Forsgren was also a recipient of the Valley Forge Award for outstanding service in education.
Survivors include his widow, of Preston; sons Don C. of Richmond, Utah, Seth F., Nampa; Clayter F., Rexburg, Klane F., Yardley, Pa.; stepchildren Delbert Meyer, Oroville, Calif., Melvin Meyer and Lloyd Meyer, Smithfield, Utah, Floyd Meyer, Kaysville, Utah, Mrs. John (Verna) Anderson, Carbondale, Ill., Mrs. Clair (Mildred) Earl, Reno, Nev; 17 grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, 46 step-grandchildren,and seven step great grandchildren.
Brothers and a sister surviving are Eli, Las Vegas, Leon, Smithfield, Lloyd and Bill, Riverdale and Mrs. Hazen (Naomi) Gilbert, Fairview.
Funeral services will be Friday at 1 p.m. in the Preston Third Ward Chapel under the direction of Bishop Myron Evans. Friends may call at the Webb Funeral home Thursday from 7 to 9:30 p.m. and Friday two hours prior to service time.
Burial will be in the Riverdale Cemetery.
BURIAL: Hillcrest Cemetery, Riverdale, Idaho.
Information is also available on Memorial #36408419 which also has a photo of the headstone, front and back
J. Clifford with 2nd wife, Lucy
DEATH: Obituary Deseret News - Thursday, Oct 17 1963 p.B-18
MARY O. FORSGREN Preston, Idaho -
Mrs. Mary O. Forsgren, 66, Preston, died of a heart ailment Tuesday, 4:45 a.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Mission Home in Salt Lake City.
Born May 20, 1897, Providence, Utah, to Joseph H. and Mary Ann Johnson Fuhriman. Married to J. Clifford Forsgren Oct 5 1921. Salt Lake LDS Temple. Resident of Preston since 1924. Active member, LDS Church, Daughters of Utah Pioneer's Lo Pine Camp.
Survivors: husband; sons, Don C., Richmond, Utah; Seth F., Nampa; Clayter F., Rexburg; Clayne F., Champaign Ill; 12 grandchildren; foster mother, Mrs. Louise R. Fuhriman, Providence Utah; brother, sisters. Howard J. Fuhriman, Mrs. Carl O. (Claris) Felix, Mrs. Leland (Reida) Jorgensen, all Logan.
Funeral Saturday, 1 p.m., Oneida LDS Stake House. Burial, Riverdale Cemetery, Preston."
BURIAL: Hillcrest Cemetery, Riverdale, Idaho.
Farewell Program for Clifford and Mary
Clifford and Mary Fuhriman Forsgren were the parents of eight children, three of whom are deceased (as of April 2013):
Clifford and Oneta with (L to R) Don, Seth, Klane & Clayter
J. Clifford and Mary Oneta Forsgren child #1)
Don Clifford Forsgren. was born 7 Aug 1922 in Providence, Cache Co., Utah. He married 1) Phyllis Gamble on 17 Dec 1941 in Logan, Cache Co., Utah. They were later divorced. Don married 2) Ruey Clark Merrill on 30 Oct 1946 in the Logan LDS Temple. Don died Oct. 4, 2005 in Logan. He was buried Oct. 8, 2005 in the Richmond City Cemetery, Utah.
Don Clifford Forsgren. was born 7 Aug 1922 in Providence, Cache Co., Utah. He married 1) Phyllis Gamble on 17 Dec 1941 in Logan, Cache Co., Utah. They were later divorced. Don married 2) Ruey Clark Merrill on 30 Oct 1946 in the Logan LDS Temple. Don died Oct. 4, 2005 in Logan. He was buried Oct. 8, 2005 in the Richmond City Cemetery, Utah.
Ruey Clark Merrill was born 13 Oct 1925 in Richmond, Cache Co., Utah. She died on 27 Feb 2004 [no record of location]. Ruey was also buried in the Richmond City Cemetery.
DEATH: Social Security Death Index Social Security Death Index
Name: Don C. Forsgren
SSN: 518-20-____
Last Residence: 84333 Richmond, Cache, Utah
Born: 7 Aug 1922
Died: 4 Oct 2005
State (Year) SSN issued: Idaho (Before 1951)
MARRIAGE (to Phyllis Gamble)
Details For Marriage ID#239918
Groom Last Name: FORSGREN Groom First Name: Don Clifford
Groom Residence:
Bride Last Name: GAMBLE Bride First Name: Phyllis
Bride Residence:
Place: Logan
Date: 17 Dec 1941
County of Record: Cache
State: Utah
Volume: 19
Page: 7
OBITUARY: The Herald Journal Oct. 6, 2005
RICHMOND - Don Clifford Forsgren, 83, passed away Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2005, at Legacy House in Logan. He was born on Aug. 7, 1922, in Providence to John Clifford and Mary Oneta Fuhriman Forsgren. Don was raised in Preston. After graduation he joined the U.S. Army where he served for three years during World War II.
On returning home from the service, he met and married Ruey Clark Merrill on Oct 30, 1946, in the Idaho Falls LDS Temple. They were inseparable until her death on Feb. 27, 2004. They lived in Preston until 1949, when they moved to their farm in Richmond. Together they started an award winning dairy farm and spent many hours working side by side.
He was a devoted and accomplished farmer. Throughout the years he enjoyed bowling, camping, fishing and throwing horeshoes with a special group of friends from Richmond.
Don enjoyed his years of service in the church but the years that he and Ruey spent as ward, stake and region dance directors were his most enjoyable.
He is survived by his daughter, Susan (Mont) Godfrey of Clarkston; son, Kevin (Patricia Clayson) Forsgren of Richmond; 10 grandchildren, Jacque Wilcox of Elko, Nev., Brad (Lisa) Jensen, Jodi (Andy) Miller, Branden (Jennifer) Jensen, all of Richmond, Monica Olsen of Boise, Idaho, Jason (Katie) Godfrey of Clarkston and Tristsn, Murphy, Bronte and Harper Forsgren of Richmond; 16 great-grandchildren; and one great great grand child. He is also survived by two brothers, Clayter and Klane Forsgren.
He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, a daughter, Mary Ann, a brother, Seth, and a granddaughter, Jennifer A. Jensen.
The family would like to express our appreciation to the staff at Legacy House of Logan and to hospice.
Funeral services to be held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8, in the Richmond Stake Center . . . Interment will be at the Richmond City Cemetery. Services usnder the direction of Webb Funeral home.
DEATH: Social Security Death Index (
Ruey M. Forsgren
Last Residence: 84333 Richmond, Cache, Utah, United States of America
Born: 13 Oct 1925
Died: 27 Feb 2004
State (Year) SSN issued: Utah (Before 1951) (has photo of headstone)
Birth: Oct. 13, 1925
Death: Feb. 27, 2004
Family links:
Don C Forsgren (1922 - 2005) #60244983>
Mary Ann Forsgren (1945 - 1991) #60284921
Burial: Richmond City Cemetery , Richmond, Cache County, Utah, USA
Created by: Wes & Debi Grossnickle #46836898
Record added: Oct 17, 2010
Find A Grave Memorial# 60245142
Name: Don C. Forsgren
SSN: 518-20-____
Last Residence: 84333 Richmond, Cache, Utah
Born: 7 Aug 1922
Died: 4 Oct 2005
State (Year) SSN issued: Idaho (Before 1951)
MARRIAGE (to Phyllis Gamble)
Details For Marriage ID#239918
Groom Last Name: FORSGREN Groom First Name: Don Clifford
Groom Residence:
Bride Last Name: GAMBLE Bride First Name: Phyllis
Bride Residence:
Place: Logan
Date: 17 Dec 1941
County of Record: Cache
State: Utah
Volume: 19
Page: 7
OBITUARY: The Herald Journal Oct. 6, 2005
RICHMOND - Don Clifford Forsgren, 83, passed away Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2005, at Legacy House in Logan. He was born on Aug. 7, 1922, in Providence to John Clifford and Mary Oneta Fuhriman Forsgren. Don was raised in Preston. After graduation he joined the U.S. Army where he served for three years during World War II.
On returning home from the service, he met and married Ruey Clark Merrill on Oct 30, 1946, in the Idaho Falls LDS Temple. They were inseparable until her death on Feb. 27, 2004. They lived in Preston until 1949, when they moved to their farm in Richmond. Together they started an award winning dairy farm and spent many hours working side by side.
He was a devoted and accomplished farmer. Throughout the years he enjoyed bowling, camping, fishing and throwing horeshoes with a special group of friends from Richmond.
Don enjoyed his years of service in the church but the years that he and Ruey spent as ward, stake and region dance directors were his most enjoyable.
He is survived by his daughter, Susan (Mont) Godfrey of Clarkston; son, Kevin (Patricia Clayson) Forsgren of Richmond; 10 grandchildren, Jacque Wilcox of Elko, Nev., Brad (Lisa) Jensen, Jodi (Andy) Miller, Branden (Jennifer) Jensen, all of Richmond, Monica Olsen of Boise, Idaho, Jason (Katie) Godfrey of Clarkston and Tristsn, Murphy, Bronte and Harper Forsgren of Richmond; 16 great-grandchildren; and one great great grand child. He is also survived by two brothers, Clayter and Klane Forsgren.
He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, a daughter, Mary Ann, a brother, Seth, and a granddaughter, Jennifer A. Jensen.
The family would like to express our appreciation to the staff at Legacy House of Logan and to hospice.
Funeral services to be held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8, in the Richmond Stake Center . . . Interment will be at the Richmond City Cemetery. Services usnder the direction of Webb Funeral home.
DEATH: Social Security Death Index (
Ruey M. Forsgren
Last Residence: 84333 Richmond, Cache, Utah, United States of America
Born: 13 Oct 1925
Died: 27 Feb 2004
State (Year) SSN issued: Utah (Before 1951) (has photo of headstone)
Birth: Oct. 13, 1925
Death: Feb. 27, 2004
Family links:
Don C Forsgren (1922 - 2005) #60244983>
Mary Ann Forsgren (1945 - 1991) #60284921
Burial: Richmond City Cemetery , Richmond, Cache County, Utah, USA
Created by: Wes & Debi Grossnickle #46836898
Record added: Oct 17, 2010
Find A Grave Memorial# 60245142
![]() |
Mary Ann's yearbook photo |
Don and Ruey are the parents of three children.
Their first child, Mary Ann Forsgren, was born 7 Dec. 1947. Mary Ann married 1) Brian Jay Jensen with whom she had 5 children. Mary Ann died 28 Dec. 1991 in Hawthorne, Mineral Co., Nevada. She was buried near her parents 2 Jan 1992 in Richmond, Cache Co., Utah.

Mary Ann's headstone in the Richmond, UT. Cemetery (and in relation to its location by her parents)
All these photos are found on (Memorial# 60284921)

J. Clifford and Mary Oneta Forsgren child #2)
Seth Fuhriman Forsgren, was born 11 Mar 1925 in Preston, Franklin Co., Idaho. He married Marco Keller on 30 Mar 1948 in Salt Lake City. Seth died 17 May 2001 in Nampa, Canyon Co., Idaho where he had lived a great deal of his life. He was buried in Caldwell, Idaho at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens on 21 May 2001.
Clayter, Don & Seth Forsgren
Seth & Marco are listed in a tree submitted to by " dmfisherjr" [a 60+ retired, LDS male; He can be contacted thru]
MILITARY: U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
Name: Seth Forsgren
Birth Year: 1925
Race: White, citizen (White)
Nativity State or Country: Idaho
State of Residence: Idaho
County or City: Franklin
Enlistment Date: 24 Nov 1944
Enlistment State: Utah
Enlistment City: Fort Douglas
Branch: No branch assignment
Branch Code: No branch assignment
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Source: Civil Life
Education: 2 years of college
Civil Occupation: General farmers
Marital Status: Single, without dependents
Height: 00
Weight: 000
DEATH & BURIAL: Find A Grave Memorial# 64837700
Seth Forsgren
Birth: Mar. 11, 1925 Preston Franklin County Idaho, USA
Death: May 17, 2001 Nampa Canyon County Idaho, USA
Idaho Press Tribune, Saturday, 05/19/01
Seth F. Forsgren, 76, passed away at his home in Nampa, ID, Thursday, May 17, 2001, due to natural causes. He will be greatly missed and always remembered as a totally loving and devoted husband, father, friend and neighbor. He devoted his life to his family and to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Seth was born March 11, 1925, at Preston, to John Clifford Forsgren and Mary Oneta Fuhriman Forsgren. He served in the military during WWII from 1944-47. He graduated from Utah State University and received a masters degree from the College of Idaho. On March 31, 1948, he married Marco Keller in the Salt Lake L.D.S. Temple. Seth taught and counseled high school students in Ashton, Nampa, Wilder and Vallivue. He loved teaching the students, and after 30 years retired in 1987. Seth is survived by his dear wife, Marco; his children, Clifford (Sue) Forsgren, Bountiful, UT, Annette (Steve) Winchester, Idaho Falls, John (Connie) Forsgren, Blackfoot, Patty (Wes) Waddoups, Blackfoot, Tammy (Steve) Winkel, Brighton, Colo., Maureen (Curtis) Green, Blackfoot, Mary (Dale) Marble, Deweyville, UT; 37 grandchildren who were all great; three brothers, Don (Ruey) Forsgren, Richmond, UT, Clayter (Dion) Forsgren, Rexburg, Klane (Kaye) Forsgren, Bountiful, UT. He was preceded in death by his parents. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, May 21, in the Nampa 7th Ward LDS Chapel, 3015 Sunnyridge Road. The family will greet friends at a viewing on Sunday from 6-8 p.m. at the Zeyer Funeral Chapel, 83 N. Midland Blvd., Nampa, and at the church on Monday from 9:45-10:45 a.m. prior to services. Interment will be in the Hillcrest Memorial Gardens, Caldwell. Family links: Spouse: Marco Keller Forsgren
Burial: Hillcrest Memorial Gardens; Caldwell Canyon County Idaho, USA Plot: Garden of LDS
Created by: Dan Fowler Record added: Jan 29, 2011
OBITUARY: Blackfoot, Idaho Morning News, 5 Nov 2008
Marco Keller Forsgren
The Morning News - Blackfoot, ID
Marco Keller Forsgren, 79 Tuesday, 04 November 2008 BLACKFOOT — Marco Keller Forsgren, 79, of Blackfoot, passed away Sunday at her home. Marco was born Sept. 26, 1929, to Rulon M. Keller and Margaret Benson Keller in Mink Creek. Marco attended Mink Creek Grade School and Preston High School. Marco married Seth F. Forsgren on March 31, 1948, in the Salt Lake City LDS Temple. They attended school in Logan, Utah, then lived in Ashton before moving to Nampa in 1954. Together they had seven children. Marco moved to Blackfoot in 2003 to be close to family after Seth’s death. Marco was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and has served in many capacities. She served in the Sydney North Mission and in the Idaho Falls LDS Temple. One of her greatest joys in life was serving others. Marco was a school lunch supervisor for more than 20 years in the Vallivue School District in Caldwell, Idaho. She enjoyed gardening, flowers, family history, quilts and was devoted to her family. Marco is survived by her sons, Clifford R. and Susan Forsgren of Bountiful, Utah; John K. and Connie Forsgren of Blackfoot and her daughters, Annette and Steve Winchester of Idaho Falls, Patty and Weston Waddoups of Blackfoot, Tammy and Steven Winkel of Brighton, Colo.; Maureen and Curtis Green of Blackfoot, and Mary and Dale Marble of Deweyville, Utah. She also is survived by three brothers, Lamond and Sue Keller of Albion, George B. and Shareen Keller of Nampa and James L. and Renee Keller of Meridian; two sisters, MaRue Simmons and Beth and Bob Thompson, both of Provo, Utah, 33 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her husband, Seth. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. on Friday at Riverside LDS Chapel in Blackfoot. The family will meet with friends and relatives 12:45-1:45 p.m. at the church prior to the funeral. Interment will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens Cemetery in Caldwell. Funeral Services are under the direction of Hawker Funeral Home in Blackfoot.
Photo of Marco and her headstone on Memorial # 64837787, created Jan 29, 2011 by Dan Fowler
Plot: Garden of LDS
J. Clifford and Mary Oneta Forsgren child #3)
a stillborn daughter, born 29 Dec 1929. She is buried in Riverdale, Franklin Co., Idaho
a stillborn daughter, born 29 Dec 1929. She is buried in Riverdale, Franklin Co., Idaho
[check back again as I continue to process the remaining family members]
CHILD #5 of Eli and Francis Forsgren
CHILD #6 of Eli and Francis Forsgren
GLADYS FORSGREN, was born 18 Sept 1898 in Riverdale, Franklin Co., Idaho. She married Lars Hyrum Johnson ( known as Hyrum) on 14 May 1924 in the Logan LDS Temple. She died on Valentine's day in 1964 in Fairview, Franklin Co., Idaho and was buried 18 Feb 1964 in Logan.
Lars Hyrum Johnson was born 16 July 1892 in Mink Creek, Franklin Co., Idaho.
He passed away 15 Mar 1969 in Ogden, Weber Co., Utah and was buried 19 March 1969 in Logan.
Gladys: [I have very little personal information on Gladys]
BAPTISM: Riverdale Ward, Oneida Stake Rec of Baptisms and Confirmations for year ending Dec 31, 1907 p. 196 (SL film # 774,320)
Forsgren, Gladys F. daughter of Eli Forsgren & Frances M. Smith bapt 7 Sept 1907 by Armanus M. Neeley, Jr. and Conf 8 Sept 1907 by Leslie Neeley
L. Hyrum:
MILITARY: World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Order #83
Lars Hyrum Johnson, age 25
address: Minkcreek, IDaho
date of birth: July 16th 1892, natural born, Minkcreek, Idaho, USA
farmer, employed by self
Has mother, wife & child to care for
married, caucasion,
no prior service
Do you claim exemption? Debt, three dependents
Signed Lars Hyrum Johnson
Description: short, medium build, eyes light brown, hair black, not bald
Registered June 5, 1917
World War II Draft Registration cards, 1942 (
Serial # U236
Lars Hyrum Johnson
Residence: Mink Creek, Franklin, Idaho.
Mailing address: Star Route Preston, Idaho
Age 49, born Mink Creek July 16 1892
Who will always know your address: Mrs. Gladys Johnson, Star Route, Preston, Ida.
employer: self
place, Mink Creek, Franklin, Idaho
Signed L. Hyrum Johnson
Height: 5'6" Weight: 174 Ruddy complexion, Gray hair, blue eyes
Date of registration: April 27, 1942 Local Board, Preston, Idaho
MARRIAGE: Western States Marriage Index
Details For Marriage ID#179782
Groom Last Name: JOHNSON
Groom First Name: Lars Hyrum
Groom Residence:
Bride Last Name: FORSGREN
Bride First Name: Gladys
Bride Residence:
Place: Logan
Date: 14 May 1924
County of Record: Cache
State: Utah
Volume: 11
Page: 359
CENSUS: (with first wife, Clara) 1920 Census of Minkcreek, Franklin, ID, taken Jan 113-15, 1920
Pearson, Ingrid, head, age 62, widow, immigrated 1884, Naturalized 1901, born Sweden
Johnson, Hyrum, son, age 27, born Idaho
Johnson, Clara, daughter in law, age 30, born Utah [NOTE: Clara died 2 months later]
Johnson, Virgil, grandson , age 3 6/12, born Idaho
Johnson, Kenneth, grandson, age 1 1/12, born Idaho
1940 Census of Mink Creek, Franklin, Idaho. Sheet 2A Household 19
Johnson, L Hyrum, head, age 47, md, completed 8 grade, born Idaho (same house 1935)
Johnson, Gladys F, wife, age 41, md, born Idaho, completed 6.2 yrs school, born Idaho
Johnson, La Lee, daur, age 15, single, 8 yrs school, born Idaho
Johnson Mary H, daur, age 13, single, 7 yrs. school, born Idaho
Johnson, Gwen, daur age 12, single, 5 yrs. schoo, born Idaho
Johnson, Lynn F., son, age 8, completed 2 yrs school, born Idaho
Johnson, Richard L, son, age 6, born Idaho
DEATH: Social Security Death Index
Lars Johnson
Last residence, Preston, Franklin, IDaho zip 83263
Born 16 Jul 1892
Died Mar 1969
BURIAL: Utah Cemetery Inventory (
Name: L. Hyrum Johnson
Birth Date: 16 Mar 1892
Birth Place: Mink Creek, ID
Death Date: 15 Mar 1969
Burial Date: 19 March 1969
Cemetery: Logan City Cemetery
Source: Sexton / Grant
Grave Location: A_ 370_ 15_ 6
Relatives: Mother Ingred Pearson
Father Nels Niels Johnson
Gladys and L. Hyrum Johnson had 6 children, 5 of whom are still living as of Apr 2013:
LaRie, Mary Helen, Gwen, Lynn F., Richard Lyman
LaRie Johnson, was born 22 Nov. 1925 in Mink Creek, Franklin Co., Idaho. She married DeVern "G" Burbank 21 Feb. 1946 in Ogden, Weber Co. She died 1 Sept 2000 in Ogden, Weber Co., Utah and is buried in the Roy Cemetery, Roy, Utah.
[I have no photos and no other information about LaRie]
DeVern G. Burbank, was born 28 Sep. 1921 in Cub River (Mapleton), Utah Co., Utah. He died 12 Dec 2004 in Ogden, Weber Co., and is buried in the Roy Cemetery, Roy, Utah.
DeVern is listed on a family tree submitted by "sandyburbank1" of Lethbridge Alberta, Canada. She can be contacted through
RESIDENCES: Devern Burbank 447 E. 940 N. Ogden, UT 84404 801 782-2896
MILITARY: World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
Name: Devern G Burbank
Birth Year: 1921
Race: White, citizen (White)
Nativity State or Country: Idaho
State of Residence: Utah
County or City: Box Elder
Enlistment Date: 3 Mar 1941
Enlistment State: Utah
Enlistment City: Brigham City
Branch: Field Artillery
Branch Code: Field Artillery
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Component: National Guard (Officers, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted Men)
Source: National Guard
Education: 4 years of high school
Civil Occupation: Actors and actresses
Marital Status: Single, without dependents
Height: 6'7 "
Weight: 118
[also a short entry on Utah, Military Service Cars, Reel 058 (on
BURBANK, DeVERN, Discharged p. 79 c.3 H.J.9-19 45]
OBITUARY: Ogden Standard Examiner, Tue. Dec 14, 2004 online at
OGDEN - DeVern G. Burbank, 83, passed away Sunday, December 12, 2004 peacefully at home. He was born September 28, 1921 in Cub River (Mapleton), Idaho, the son of Brigham Martello and Eleca Belettie Gardiner Burbank. He was the ninth of ten children. His twin brother died only several hours after birth. He graduated in 1940 from Box Elder High School.
He married LaRie Johnson on February 21, 1946 in Ogden, Utah. She passed away September 1, 2000. He married Joy Rice on May 18, *Daily.
He was a veteran serving in the Army during World War II, also serving in the South Pacific. DeVern received the Bronze Star. He worked at the Arsenal for 11 years and retired from HAFB in 1976.
DeVern was a current member of the Mt. Lewis 5th Ward Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He served as 2nd Counselor in the Elders Quorum in the Sunset 4th Ward.
DeVern has been a resident of Sunset, Utah since 1949. He went to Arizona for the past 16 years. He enjoyed working on his farm and with his animals. He loved attending dances. He loved returning to his land along the Cub River and spending time. He was very giving of himself and always put others above himself.
He was preceded in death by his wife, parents and five brothers and four sisters and one grandson Tyler. Surviving are his wife Joy of Ogden; children: Scott Burbank of Roy; Trudi (Dee) Nelson of Roy; Laurie (David) Thompson of Pleasant View; 13 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren, 18 step-grandchildren and 16 great-step-grandchildren. Also surviving is a brother Alma Gardiner Burbank, Mapleton, Idaho.
Funeral services will be held Thursday, December 16, 2004 at 11 a.m. at Myers Mortuary in Roy, 5865 South 1900 West. Friends and family may call on Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. and on Thursday from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. prior to services. Interment, Roy City Cemetery.
Lars Hyrum Johnson was born 16 July 1892 in Mink Creek, Franklin Co., Idaho.
He passed away 15 Mar 1969 in Ogden, Weber Co., Utah and was buried 19 March 1969 in Logan.
Gladys and L. Hyrum are the top couple in this photo
[I have no other photos of this family]
Gladys: [I have very little personal information on Gladys]
BAPTISM: Riverdale Ward, Oneida Stake Rec of Baptisms and Confirmations for year ending Dec 31, 1907 p. 196 (SL film # 774,320)
Forsgren, Gladys F. daughter of Eli Forsgren & Frances M. Smith bapt 7 Sept 1907 by Armanus M. Neeley, Jr. and Conf 8 Sept 1907 by Leslie Neeley
L. Hyrum:
MILITARY: World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Order #83
Lars Hyrum Johnson, age 25
address: Minkcreek, IDaho
date of birth: July 16th 1892, natural born, Minkcreek, Idaho, USA
farmer, employed by self
Has mother, wife & child to care for
married, caucasion,
no prior service
Do you claim exemption? Debt, three dependents
Signed Lars Hyrum Johnson
Description: short, medium build, eyes light brown, hair black, not bald
Registered June 5, 1917
World War II Draft Registration cards, 1942 (
Serial # U236
Lars Hyrum Johnson
Residence: Mink Creek, Franklin, Idaho.
Mailing address: Star Route Preston, Idaho
Age 49, born Mink Creek July 16 1892
Who will always know your address: Mrs. Gladys Johnson, Star Route, Preston, Ida.
employer: self
place, Mink Creek, Franklin, Idaho
Signed L. Hyrum Johnson
Height: 5'6" Weight: 174 Ruddy complexion, Gray hair, blue eyes
Date of registration: April 27, 1942 Local Board, Preston, Idaho
MARRIAGE: Western States Marriage Index
Details For Marriage ID#179782
Groom Last Name: JOHNSON
Groom First Name: Lars Hyrum
Groom Residence:
Bride Last Name: FORSGREN
Bride First Name: Gladys
Bride Residence:
Place: Logan
Date: 14 May 1924
County of Record: Cache
State: Utah
Volume: 11
Page: 359
CENSUS: (with first wife, Clara) 1920 Census of Minkcreek, Franklin, ID, taken Jan 113-15, 1920
Pearson, Ingrid, head, age 62, widow, immigrated 1884, Naturalized 1901, born Sweden
Johnson, Hyrum, son, age 27, born Idaho
Johnson, Clara, daughter in law, age 30, born Utah [NOTE: Clara died 2 months later]
Johnson, Virgil, grandson , age 3 6/12, born Idaho
Johnson, Kenneth, grandson, age 1 1/12, born Idaho
1940 Census of Mink Creek, Franklin, Idaho. Sheet 2A Household 19
Johnson, L Hyrum, head, age 47, md, completed 8 grade, born Idaho (same house 1935)
Johnson, Gladys F, wife, age 41, md, born Idaho, completed 6.2 yrs school, born Idaho
Johnson, La Lee, daur, age 15, single, 8 yrs school, born Idaho
Johnson Mary H, daur, age 13, single, 7 yrs. school, born Idaho
Johnson, Gwen, daur age 12, single, 5 yrs. schoo, born Idaho
Johnson, Lynn F., son, age 8, completed 2 yrs school, born Idaho
Johnson, Richard L, son, age 6, born Idaho
DEATH: Social Security Death Index
Lars Johnson
Last residence, Preston, Franklin, IDaho zip 83263
Born 16 Jul 1892
Died Mar 1969
BURIAL: Utah Cemetery Inventory (
Name: L. Hyrum Johnson
Birth Date: 16 Mar 1892
Birth Place: Mink Creek, ID
Death Date: 15 Mar 1969
Burial Date: 19 March 1969
Cemetery: Logan City Cemetery
Source: Sexton / Grant
Grave Location: A_ 370_ 15_ 6
Relatives: Mother Ingred Pearson
Father Nels Niels Johnson
[Thank you, Suzanne Taysom (Gladys & Hyrum's granddaughter) for sharing this photo with us!]
Gladys and L. Hyrum Johnson had 6 children, 5 of whom are still living as of Apr 2013:
LaRie, Mary Helen, Gwen, Lynn F., Richard Lyman
LaRie Johnson, was born 22 Nov. 1925 in Mink Creek, Franklin Co., Idaho. She married DeVern "G" Burbank 21 Feb. 1946 in Ogden, Weber Co. She died 1 Sept 2000 in Ogden, Weber Co., Utah and is buried in the Roy Cemetery, Roy, Utah.
[I have no photos and no other information about LaRie]
DeVern G. Burbank, was born 28 Sep. 1921 in Cub River (Mapleton), Utah Co., Utah. He died 12 Dec 2004 in Ogden, Weber Co., and is buried in the Roy Cemetery, Roy, Utah.
DeVern is listed on a family tree submitted by "sandyburbank1" of Lethbridge Alberta, Canada. She can be contacted through
RESIDENCES: Devern Burbank 447 E. 940 N. Ogden, UT 84404 801 782-2896
MILITARY: World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
Name: Devern G Burbank
Birth Year: 1921
Race: White, citizen (White)
Nativity State or Country: Idaho
State of Residence: Utah
County or City: Box Elder
Enlistment Date: 3 Mar 1941
Enlistment State: Utah
Enlistment City: Brigham City
Branch: Field Artillery
Branch Code: Field Artillery
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Component: National Guard (Officers, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted Men)
Source: National Guard
Education: 4 years of high school
Civil Occupation: Actors and actresses
Marital Status: Single, without dependents
Height: 6'7 "
Weight: 118
[also a short entry on Utah, Military Service Cars, Reel 058 (on
BURBANK, DeVERN, Discharged p. 79 c.3 H.J.9-19 45]
OBITUARY: Ogden Standard Examiner, Tue. Dec 14, 2004 online at
OGDEN - DeVern G. Burbank, 83, passed away Sunday, December 12, 2004 peacefully at home. He was born September 28, 1921 in Cub River (Mapleton), Idaho, the son of Brigham Martello and Eleca Belettie Gardiner Burbank. He was the ninth of ten children. His twin brother died only several hours after birth. He graduated in 1940 from Box Elder High School.
He married LaRie Johnson on February 21, 1946 in Ogden, Utah. She passed away September 1, 2000. He married Joy Rice on May 18, *Daily.
He was a veteran serving in the Army during World War II, also serving in the South Pacific. DeVern received the Bronze Star. He worked at the Arsenal for 11 years and retired from HAFB in 1976.
DeVern was a current member of the Mt. Lewis 5th Ward Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He served as 2nd Counselor in the Elders Quorum in the Sunset 4th Ward.
DeVern has been a resident of Sunset, Utah since 1949. He went to Arizona for the past 16 years. He enjoyed working on his farm and with his animals. He loved attending dances. He loved returning to his land along the Cub River and spending time. He was very giving of himself and always put others above himself.
He was preceded in death by his wife, parents and five brothers and four sisters and one grandson Tyler. Surviving are his wife Joy of Ogden; children: Scott Burbank of Roy; Trudi (Dee) Nelson of Roy; Laurie (David) Thompson of Pleasant View; 13 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren, 18 step-grandchildren and 16 great-step-grandchildren. Also surviving is a brother Alma Gardiner Burbank, Mapleton, Idaho.
Funeral services will be held Thursday, December 16, 2004 at 11 a.m. at Myers Mortuary in Roy, 5865 South 1900 West. Friends and family may call on Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. and on Thursday from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. prior to services. Interment, Roy City Cemetery.
This photo taken from
CHILD #7 of Eli and Francis Forsgren [more information will be added to this blog post by Roxane Mitchell Pfister, one of Naomi's grand daughters]
NAOMI FORSGREN - born 27 Feb 1901 in Riverdale, Oneida Co., Idaho. Naomi married Hazen Athling Gilbert on 6 Aug. 1924 in the Logan LDS Temple. Naomi pre-deceased her husband by just one year, passing away on 14 Oct 1994 in Preston, Franklin Co., Idaho. She is buried in the Fairview Cemetery on Oct. 19th, 1994, Fairview, Franklin Co., Idaho.
Hazen Athling Gilbert was born to Elijah & Agnes Lillian Thomson Gilbert on 29 Aug 1902 in Fairview, Oneida Co., Idaho. He died on 27 Sept. 1995 in Preston, Franklin Co., Idaho and was buried on 30 Sept. 1995 in the Fairview Cemetery.
Hazen Athling Gilbert was born to Elijah & Agnes Lillian Thomson Gilbert on 29 Aug 1902 in Fairview, Oneida Co., Idaho. He died on 27 Sept. 1995 in Preston, Franklin Co., Idaho and was buried on 30 Sept. 1995 in the Fairview Cemetery.
Naomi & Hazen Gilbert Family:
Back row: Merlene ("Mickey"), Nada, Dallas, Delma, Garnet
Front: Nelyne, Hazen, Naomi (holding Claris), Geraldine
Dallas, Nada, Delma, Merlene, Garnet, Nelyne, Claris and Geraldine.
MISCELLANEOUS: Idaho State Journal, 29 Dec 1963
J. Clifford Forsgren, Franklin County state senator, and Mrs. Naomi Gilbert, his sister, both of Preston, were injured near here Saturday when his car skidded and struck a parked pickup truck.
Forsgren, 70, suffered a broken arm and broken rib and Mrs. Gilbert, 62, suffered a broken arm and broken kneecap. They were taken by ambulance to St. Anthony hospital from the scene of the accident four miles west of Pocatello.
Also injured was Grady Joe Johnson, 27, of the Colonial Motel, Chubbock. He was acting as a flagman for the Hood Construction Co., which is laying a pipeline across U.S. Highway 30 at that point.
Johnson was standing near the pickup truck, which Forsgren's car struck from the rear as it skidded on the icy road. Johnson was taken by a fellow worker to Bannock Memorial Hospital for observation.
State Patrolman Oscar Miller, who investigated, said no citations were issued. The accident occurred about 9 a.m. as Forsgren was traveling westward.
OBITUARY: The Herald Journal, Logan - Monday, October 17, 1994
NAOMI F. GILBERT - Fairview, Idaho
Naomi Forsgren Gilbert, 93, of Fairview, Idaho, died Friday, Oct. 14, 1994, in Preston, of causes incident to age.
She was born in Riverdale, Idaho, on Feb. 27, 1901. She was the daughter of Knud Eli Forsgren and Frances Mary Smith Forsgren, and she spent her childhood in Riverdale.
She attended the Oneida Academy in Preston, the Brigham Young Academy in Logan, and Idaho State College in Pocatello, Idaho. She taught elementary school in Glencoe and Fairview.
She married Hazen Athling Gilbert on Aug. 6, 1924, in the Logan LDS Temple. They were married for 70 years and were the parents of eight children.
She served in many LDS Church capacities and was very interested in political affairs. She enjoyed gardening, quilting, knitting, crocheting and sewing.
She is survived by her husband, Hazen Gilbert; seven daughters and one son: Dallas Gilbert, Fairview; Nada Pfleger, Boise, Idaho; Delma Mitchell, Idaho Falls, Idaho; Merlene Cutler, Pocatello; Garnet Stanger, Brigham City; Nelyne Tarbet, Providence; Claris Giles, Ogden; and Geraldine Gunderson, Las Vegas. She has 41 grandchildren, 100 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.
Services will be held at noon Wednesday, Oct. 19, in the Fairview LDS Church. The family will meet with friends from 6-8 Tuesday evening at Webb Funeral Home . . . . Burial is in the Fairview Cemetery.
Fairview Idaho Cemetery Interments, Franklin Co.
Gilbert, Naomi (Forsgren)
Blk-Lt: B10-L3; Grave: G42
dob: 27 Feb 1901
dod: 14 Oct 1994
burial date: 19 Oct 1994
Father: Forsgren, Eli (Knud Elior)
Mothe : Smith, Frances Mary
also on with headstone photo, front and back
There are several submissions of family trees on that contain this family
Hazen served a mission to the Central States 1921
Occupation Farmer
CENSUS: 1940 United States Federal Census of Fairview, Franklin Co., Idaho
Name: Hozen A Gilbert that's how it was indexed]
Age: 38
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1902
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: Idaho
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1940: Fairview, Franklin, Idaho
Farm: Yes
Inferred Residence in 1935: Fairview, Franklin, Idaho
Residence in 1935: Same House
Sheet Number: 4A
Number of Household in Order of Visitation: 61
Household Members: Name Age
Hozen A Gilbert 38 [incorrect indexed spelling retained]
Naomi Gilbert , wife, 39
Dallas H Gilbert 15
Nada Gilbert 13
Delma Gilbert 10
Merlene Gilbert 8
Garnet Gilbert 7
Nelyne Gilbert 5
Cloris Gilbert 2
DEATH: Social Security Death Index
Name: Hazen A. Gilbert
SSN: 518-24-9890
Last Residence: 83263 Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States of America
Born: 29 Aug 1902
Died: 27 Sep 1995
State (Year) SSN issued:
BURIAL: (has photo of headstone)
HAZEN ATHLING GILBERT & Naomi Forsgren Gilbert
Birth: Aug. 27, 1902
Death: Sep. 27, 1995
Family links: Parents: Elijah Gilbert (1854 - 1939) #37059993; Agnes Lillian Thomson Gilbert (1868 - 1940) #37059970 Spouse: Naomi Forsgren Gilbert (1901 - 1994) #37060053
Burial: Fairview Cemetery Fairview, Franklin County, Idaho, USA
Created by: Clint Dunn #47111539
Record added: May 13, 2009
Find A Grave Memorial# 37060081
+-+reverse.jpg)
Naomi and Hazen Gilbert's child #2
Nada Gilbert, was born 31 Dec. 1926 in Fairview, Franklin Co., Idaho. She married Ludwig Pfleger, Jr. on 23 Mar 1960 in the Logan LDS Temple. Nada passed away 1 Aug 2001 in Boise, Ada Co., Idaho and was buried 6 Aug. 2001 in the Dry Creek Cemetery in Boise.
[Because Nada's husband and their 6 children are still living no more information will be given about them here. I have no photos of this family.]
Funeral Program; Obituary Idaho Daily Statesman
" Nada Gilbert Pfleger, 74, of Boise, returned to her Heavenly Father on Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2001. Funeral services will be held a 1 p.m. Monday, Aug. 6, in the Maple Hills Ward LDS Chapel, located at 1111 S. Cole Road. Bishop Kieth Crouch of the Maple Hills Ward, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will officiate. Burial will follow in Dry Creek Cemetery. Services are under direction of the Relyea Funeral Chapel.
Nada was born Dec. 31, 1926, at her parents' home in Fairview, Idaho. She was the second of eight children born to Hazen A. Gilbert and Naomi Forsgren Gilbert. She attended grade school in Fairview and high school in Preston. She was raised on a 160-acre dairy farm and worked putting up hay, milking cows and thinning beets. She had one older brother, Dallas (Joyce) Gilbert and six younger sisters, Delma Mitchell, Mickey Cutler, Garnet (Phil) Bradbury, Nelyne Tarbet, Claris Giles, and Geri (Brent) Gunderson.
She attended the University of Idaho for four years, majoring in home economics. She moved to Boise to work for the U of I Extension Service as a home demonstration agent. In Boise, she met her husband to be, Ludwig (Louie) Pfleger Jr. They were sealed to each other for time and eternity in the Logan, Utah, LDS Temple on March 23, 1950. She was a very active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served in many capacities including den mother, Primary president, and Primary teacher. She loved working with children. She also taught 4-H for many years and was member of the Boise Home Economists. Her other interests were sewing, gardening, genealogy, her children, and grandchildren. She designed and sewed just about everything possible, including her own wedding dress and clothes for her children and her sister's children.
Nada was a very dedicated and loving mother to her five children, Brent (Rochelle), Kurt (Kelli), Keith (Laura), Louise (Tim) Craig, and Phillip (Taunya). She has 20 grandchildren and one great-grandchild, as well as numerous nieces and nephews.
Once her children were in school, she was the office manager at the family's insurance agency until she was forced to retire, due to ill health in 1995. Over the years at the insurance agency, Mom made many good friends. Customers still ask about her and relate how much they enjoyed working with her. After retirement, a series of health problems made her life very difficult. She was always able to battle back against great odds and with a courageous heart. She kept her keen sense of humor and continued to be a loving wife, mother and grandmother to her family. But after her last illness, it was time for her to be reunited with her mom and dad and her Heavenly Father.
The family will greet friends at the Relyea funeral Chapel this evening from 6 to 8 p.m., and Monday from 12 noon until service time in the Relief Society room at the LDS Chapel on South Cole Road."
CHILD #8 of Eli and Francis Forsgren
LLOYD SMITH FORSGREN, was born 16 March 1903 in Riverdale, Franklin Co., Idaho. He married Berenice Maxine Starcher on 24 Nov. 1925. Lloyd passed away 27 Feb 1980 in Montpelier, Idaho and was returned for burial in Riverdale on 3 March 1980.
Berenice Starcher was born to George B. and Estella Stephenson Starcher on Jan 4 1904 (or 1906, depending on which source you believe) in Boise, Ada Co., Idaho.
Lloyd and Berenice are in this upper photo
[This is the only photo I have of this couple]
BIRTH: LDS Censuses (SL film #0025768)
MARRIAGE: Western Sates Marriage Record Index
Details For Marriage ID#182513
Groom Last Name: FORSGREN
Groom First Name: Lloyd S.
Groom Residence:
Bride Last Name: STARCHER
Bride First Name: Bernice Maxine
Bride Residence:
Place: Logan
Date: 24 Nov 1925
County of Record: Cache
State: Utah
Volume: 12
Page: 79
OBITUARY: The Marjorie Rawson Obituary Collection on, Idaho State Journal, 29 Feb. 1980
Riverdale - Lloyd Smith Forsgren, 76, Riverdale, died Wednesday at Montpelier of an apparent heart attack.
He was born March 16, 1901, at Riverdale to Eli and Frances Mary Smith Forsgren. He married Berneice Starcher Nov. 20, 1924 at Logan, Utah. That marriage was later solemnized in the Logan LDS Temple.
He was active in sports and served as president of the Franklin County Fish and Game and director of Franklin County Waterways. He was active in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as an elders quorum president in Riverdale and a stake and ward clerk.
Survivors include his widow, Riverdale; one daughter, Maxine F. Hendricks, Riverdale; a grandson; two great-grandchildren; two brothers and a sister, Eli S. Forsgren, Las Vegas, Nev.; William S., Logan, Utah, and Mrs. Hazen (Naomi) Gilbert, Fairview.
Funeral services will be Monday at 1 p.m. in the Preston North Stake Center with Bishop Jean J. Smith officiating. Friends may call at Webb Mortuary Sunday from 6-8 p.m. and at the mortuary Monday from 11 a.m. until service time.
Burial will be in the Riverdale Cemetery.
BURIAL: Hillcrest Cemetery, Riverdale, Idaho.
BIRTH: LDS Census (SL film #0025768) for 1935 lists her d.o.b as 4 June 1904
BURIAL: Hillcrest Cemetery, Riverdale, Idaho. Photo of the headstone in poss. of Forsgren Fam Assn.
The d.o.b. on the headstone is 4 Jan 1904.
Clarence O. Starcher (27 Sept 1890-6 Jan 1965) is buried next to Lloyd and Berenice
see Memorial #36408734
OBITUARY: The Marjorie Rawson Obituary Collection ( which has a photocopy of the obituary from the Idaho State Journal 5 Jan 1986)
Riverdale - Berenice Starcher Forsgren, 81, died Thursday at her home in Riverdale.
She was born Jan. 4, 1904, in Boise, to George B. and Estella Stephenson Starcher.
She married Lloyd Smith Forsgren Nov. 20, 1924, in Logan, Utah. The marriage later was solemnized in the Logan LDS Temple. Mr. Forsgren died March 1, 1980.
Mrs. Forsgren was a graduate nurse and avid gardener and loved nature. She taught Primary and Relief Society in the LDS Church.
She is survived by a daughter, Maxine Hendricks, Riverdale; one grandson; and two great grandchldren.
Funeral services will be Monday at noon at the Preston North Stake Center under the direction of Bishop Dallin Phillips. Friends may call at the Webb Funeral Home today from 7 to 9 p.m. and Monday at the Morturary from 10: 30 to 11:30 a.m. Burial will be in the Riverdale Cemetery
Front and Back of their headstone at the Hill Crest Cemetery in Riverdale, Idaho
Lloyd Smith and Berenice Forsgren had only one child, a daughter, named after her mother
Maxine Forsgren, was born 2 July 1926 in Riverdale, Franklin Co., Idaho. She married 1) Robert Dudley with whom she had one son. [I am awaiting further information about this marriage.] Maxine married 2) Evan Peterson, from whom she was later divorced [I have no information on the place or date of that marriage]. Evan Peterson adopted Maxine's son from her first marriage. (He is still living) . She married 3) Verl Baird Hendricks in the Logan LDS Temple on 17 July 1964. Some time before 1981 (when he married another woman) Maxine and Verl divorced. There were no children from this marriage. Verl died 16 Oct. 2008. I have no information on place of death or of burial]
BIRTH: LDS Census, 1935 (SL film #0025768)
NOTE: newFamilySearch has her LDS baptism date as 3 Nov 1924. That is two years before her shown date of birth in 1926. Perhaps the baptism date should have been 1934??
MILITARY: US World War II Cadet Nursing Corps Card Files, 1942-1948F
Form 300A Fed. Sec. Agency US Public Health Service Div. of Nurse Education(
Serial No. 109377
Forsgren, Maxine
Signature: (Appears to be Maxie Forsgren)
School: Dr. W.H. Groves, LDS Hos, Salt Lake City, Utah
Admitted to SchoolJune 12, 1944
Admitted to Corp: June 12, 1944
Date of Issuance of this card: June 12, 1944
Termination Date: By Graduation 6/12/1947
OBITUARY: The Herald Journal 14 Feb 2004
RIVERDALE, IDAHO- Maxine F. Hendricks passed away Wednesday Feb 11, 2004, at her home in Riverdale, Idaho. She was born July 2, 1926, in Riverdale, the daughter of Bernice Starcher and Lloyd S. Forsgren.
She married Evan Peterson and they were later divorced. She then marrried Verl Hendricks in the Logan LDS Temple. They were later divorced. Maxine was a nurse and greatly loved being a nurse. She was the director of nursing at the Preston Hospital and also the director of the ICU at Logan Regional Hospital. She also loved to garden and on many occasions people would go to her house just to walk through her iris gardens.
She was preceded in death by her mother and father. Maxine is survived by her son, Peter Lloyd Peterson of Riverdale; three grandchildren, Angie Fronk of Logan, Matt Peterson of Preston, Idaho, and Billie Peterson of Preston; and two great-grandchildren, Kelton Colby Fronk and Parker Rae Fronk.
Funeral services will be held at noon on Monday Feb 16, 2004 at Webb funeral home with bishop Sam Smith conducting. Friends and family may call from 6 to 8 p.m. on Sunday at the funeral home, or from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Monday also at the funeral home. Burial will be in the Riverdale Cemetery. memorial # 36408930 has a photo of the temporary plaque placed at her grave shortly after burial.
Maxine's date of death is also corroborated on the Social Security Death Index.
CHILD #9 of Eli and Francis Forsgren
WILLIAM SMITH FORSGREN, was born 17 June 1907 in Riverdale, Frnaklin Co., Idaho. He married Phyllis Parker Parkinson on 29 Aug 1930 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Will passed away 2 Feb 1986 in Logan, Utah and was buried in the Hill Crest Cemetery in Riverdale.
Phyllis Parker Parkinson was born 24 Sept 1909 to LeRoy Woodward Parkinson and Violet Parker in Wellsville, Cache Co., Utah. She passed away 21 May 1999 in Logan and was buried on 26 May 1999 in the Riverdale Cemetery.
Phyllis Parker Parkinson was born 24 Sept 1909 to LeRoy Woodward Parkinson and Violet Parker in Wellsville, Cache Co., Utah. She passed away 21 May 1999 in Logan and was buried on 26 May 1999 in the Riverdale Cemetery.
William Smith Forsgren and Phyllis Parkinson are in this lower photo.
[I have no other photos of this couple]
MARRIAGE LICENSE: Ogden Standard Examiner Sept 3, 1930
" Marriage licenses were issued from the office of County Clerk P. Russell Wight as follows: . . . on August 28 to William S. Forsgren of Preston, Idaho, and Phillis Parker Parkinsen of Wellsville."
Western States Historical Marriage Index:
Details For Marriage ID# | |
Groom Last Name: | FORSGREN |
Groom First Name: | William Smth |
Groom Residence: | Preston, Idaho |
Bride Last Name: | PARKINSON |
Bride First Name: | Phyllis Parker |
Bride Residence: | |
Place: | Salt Lake |
Date: | 29 Aug 1930 |
County of Record: | Box Elder |
State: | Utah |
Volume: | 4 |
Page: | 634 |
Phyllis Parkinson Forsgren: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice
Herald Journal, The (Logan, UT) - May 24, 1999
Phyllis Parkinson Forsgren, 89, passed away May 21, 1999, at Logan Nursing & Rehabilitation Center.
She was born Sept. 24, 1909, in Wellsville, Utah, the daughter of LeRoy Woodward Parkinson and Violet Parker Parkinson. She married William S. Forsgren on Aug. 29, 1930, in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. He passed away Feb. 2, 1986. They had one daughter, Maurine.
Phyllis graduated from South Cache High School. She continued her education at the William Budge Memorial Hospital where she received her nursing degree in 1929. Phyllis was a surgical nurse at the Preston Hospital, where she became director of nurses, a position she held for 35 years. She found great satisfaction in her work as she provided care for others.
Phyllis lived in Riverdale, Idaho, until her retirement. She then moved to Logan, Utah.
She was a member of the LDS Church. She held various positions in the Relief Society and the Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association.
Phyllis was an avid reader and had a huge personal library. She enjoyed nature and the mountains where she loved to take walks and go hiking. She was an expert gardener and liked to do handiwork of all kinds. Phyllis traveled extensively and enjoyed spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren.
She is survived by her daughter, Maurine (John) Donavan, Hyrum, Utah; three grandchildren, Michele Donavan, Salt Lake City, Utah, Kelley Donavan and Scott Donavan, both of Hyrum; one brother, Grant (Millicent) Parkinson, Wellsville, and two sisters, Beth Milligan, Logan, and Aniece (Kay) Alder, Malad, Idaho.
She was preceded in death by her husband; one sister, Vera Poppleton; one brother, Harry Parkinson; and a granddaughter, Jennifer Donavan.
Funeral services will be at noon, Wednesday, May 26, at the Allen-Hall Mortuary, 34 E. Center St., Logan, with Bishop Curtis Parkinson conducting. Friends may call from 7 to 8 Tuesday evening and 11 to 11:45 a.m. Wednesday prior to the service. Burial will be at the Riverdale Cemetery.
"We all love you, Grandma."
BURIAL: Hillcrest Cemetery, Riverdale, Idaho.
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Maurine's daughter Jennifer Donavan (her fourth child) was born 23 Jan. 1971. She passed away 20 Oct 1977 in Logan and is buried in the Logan City Cemetery.
DEATH: Utah Cemetery Inventory (
Name: Jennifer Donavan
Birth Date: 23 Jan 1971
Birth Place: Logan, UT
Death Date: 20 Oct 1977
Burial Date: 22 October 1977
Cemetery: Logan City Cemetery
Source: Sexton / Grant
Grave Location: E_ 240_ 17_ 3
Relatives: Father John W. Donavan
Mother Maurine Forsgren
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